When you need a little smack of Glim

Sept. 29th…Keeping busy…

September 29th, 2010 by Terri

Hi all! Things are going very well at Casa de Glim. Hayden and Harrison are growing like weeds. Hayden weighing 13.4 and Harrison at 14.2 pounds now. They are eating banana oatmeal, peas, squash, and sweet potatoes so far. No surprise, but my boys LOVE food!! They are 24 weeks old already (roughly 5 1/2 months)…I can’t believe it. Both are rolling over. Hayden the athlete is scooting on his tummy all over his crib. He wakes up in the middle of the night trapped in the corner, needing rescue. Harrison has kinda decided that anything good is above him so he’s content staying on his back most of the time, haha!

They are easier to handle now so I’ve been venturing out with them more. We are going to the park and walking around the track since the weather is starting to get cooler. They wore tiny little baseball caps for the first time too!! I put them on for cuteness, but surprisingly they actually blocked some sun.

Their first Halloween is coming up, yeah!! We’ve decided that Charming Hayden will be Superman. If you have ever held him you know why. When held upright on his feet he will push off of you to extend his legs in the air…flying like Superman. He even pulls one knee to his chest to get the pose correct. :) And…Harrison, my quiet, mysterious man of intrigue, will be Batman. No explanation necessary. He’s not as noisy as Hayden (who is really?), but when you look into his eyes you can see all kinds of wheels churning. I’ve decided that Hayden is my “scanner” (takes the whole room in), and Harrison is my “studier”, (focuses on someone and sizes them up). We are getting full-blown laughs out of both of them. The only better noise in this world will be “Mommy” coming from them.

I’m still taking Aikido two nights a week. For those that don’t know it’s a martial art that uses your opponent’s weight and momentum against them, non-aggressive, non-competitive martial art form. Unlike Karate that I did years ago, it’s no sparring, no kata, just self-defense form. Google “Steven Seagal Aikido” and you can see all kinds of footage of it. I think the word Aikido translates to “1,000 ways to break someone’s wrist and throw them on the ground”. :) Other than a sore neck, and a ripped muscle in my ribcage that left me unable to move for a few days, it’s been great! There comes a point in your life when either because of your age, or BMI, that your rear-end really shouldn’t go over your head. Live and learn. SO glad to be in it though….it’s brought back a lot of memories and sparked a fire in me regarding martial arts. Watch out world. I remember back in the 90’s when I first started Karate. My Mom’s face when she first saw me in the uniform, the sparring gear and a black mouthpiece was priceless. Then she commented that her little girl used to take tap and ballet. I think she soon saw that I was more suited to this over ballet.

Heading to my GI today. I’m almost certain I’m having a Crohns flare. I was told after having the babies to be on the lookout for it, as my immune system would calm down and go back to normal. I think my body has just now realized what all has happened to it over the last year. I figure I’ll be on steroids for a few months and it’ll take care of it. This should make Aikido more interesting…add in some “roid-rage”, haha! I’m not worried about it, but want to have things checked out before it gets worse. Even the doctor agrees, I know my body better than anyone else.

We are about to close on our construction loan in a week or so. Then the house building experience begins. We are SO excited!! Jason and I have been planning this house since we met and it’s finally happening. Plenty of room for ALL of us (and our stuff), and we’ll be out in the country with some major trees! Plenty of room for the boys and dogs to run around like little maniacs. I need to get used to the idea of dirt all over the place. :) Jason excited about putting a gun range in backyard, me excited about archery range next to it. We are still discussing/arguing about where the beehives will go. I think I’m going to lose this battle, but I’m hoping I can slowly just start sneaking bees into the property. He loves having honey with his biscuits, what’s the big deal?!?

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