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Baby News….5:00 pm Wednesday April 21, 2010

April 21st, 2010 by Terri

Hi all! We have SO many people calling and emailing us asking about the babies that I’ve decided it’s time to start posting details on here as we get them. We are so fortunate that we have so many people concerned about us and the boys, but we just can’t respond to everyone. We can’t thank you enough for all the concern, offers to help us, prayers and well wishes.

Hayden and Harrison were a week old yesterday. Born just under 33 weeks they are doing fabulous for their size and premature age. Docs say they are going to be fine, and any problems they are having are just due to immaturity. Both are just over 4 pounds now and IV’s were taken out yesterday, yeah!! No IV’s mean they can wear real clothes now so that’s been fun dressing them up a bit. No apnea, no oxygen needed since being born, and heart rates are good. They look healthier every time we see them, not just every DAY, but every visit they seem to be healthier and doing better. They are so small, and doing things they aren’t expected to know how to do for at least another 3 weeks…the world is expecting a lot from them…they are doing their best.

Monday we were told that they were doing so well that they anticipated them coming home by Friday or Saturday. Doc said today that they are for sure going to keep Hayden a little longer. He’s having trouble eating the amount they want him to. In the simplest of explanations, since they keep upping his food amounts he is having a hard time keeping up. He gets tired, forgets to take breaths while eating, etc. He’s often burning more calories working on eating than he’s getting. Doc said they will keep working with him and may have to do feeding tube. This will allow him to be able to get the amount of nutrition he needs, while still working on actually eating smaller amounts. And this will allow him the rest that he needs now. He’s so little and he’s working so hard that he is just worn out. It’s been a long, hard week for him.

Harrison’s schedule is tentative as well now. While he seems to be eating better than Hayden, his biggest trouble is monitoring his own body temperature. Both boys are still in their heated fishbowls (as we call them). The nurses drop the temperature based on baby’s body temp. Temperature has to be a certain level in order to transfer them to real beds, then they will be monitored to make sure they are keeping themself warm enough. He needs to drop fishbowl temp by two degrees in order to get out; they have been going down 1/2 degree on average a day.

Jason and I are doing well, considering all. Jason trying to work as much as he can until babies come home, and he’s still going to school. I’m recovering nicely and will be a different person when I can drive again next week and quit bumming rides. My first trip will be to get a manicure and pedicure…I’ll feel like a new woman. We are having our ups and downs emotionally, but certainly having more UPS than downs now. We know the boys are going to be fine; we just want them home where they belong. It’s been a crazy ride since our unexpected trip to the hospital last Sunday morning. We miss them terribly when we are not at the hospital. Hayden and Harrison are the sweetest, most precious things we have ever seen; they are truely the most amazing people we have ever met. They are so strong, keeping fighting along, doing so well….we are just floored by their progress and determination. The best part is we have a lifetime ahead of us of watching them continue to amaze us; we can’t wait to see what wonderful little boys they continue to turn into. And I know we are biased, but hands down they are the most beautiful babies we have ever seen. All of the NICU nurses and doctors seem to agree with us so it’s now fact, not opinion.  :)

Thanks to all of you that have helped us so far, and the offers of help keep pouring in every day. For right now, what we need are continued prayers and positive thoughts, and for all of you to rest up. Once they are home, we will be calling on many of you for all kinds of help. First and foremost, Kaiser and Schatzi need MAJOR baths!! They are so dirty right now I’m afraid the Boxer Rescue is going to be knocking on our door at any time to take them back. haha! Again, once our boys are home, we’ll start assigning duties, errands and projects for everyone. Fair trade for all of the Girl Scout cookies, Christmas wrapping paper, scented candles, sausage/cheese baskets and candy bars that we have bought over the years from all our friends with kids. Payback is hell.

Future news posts won’t be so lengthy; many will be one sentance long I figure but we for sure want to keep everyone up to date. I just had to give some thanks, and brag a little bit about my beautiful, amazing boys a bit. I’m constantly connected via email and text so feel free to keep contacting me directly at terriglim@yahoo.com

Take care, and love to all. I can’t wait for everyone to meet my little guys!! Soon, very soon.

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